Online Certificate Course on Intellectual Property (IPPro)
Registration Start: 15 Dec 2024 - 15 Feb 2025Student Fee : INR 5501.16 ( 4662 + 18% GST)
Industry & others Fee : INR 7500.08 (6356 + 18% GST)
About the Course:
The modules deal with introductions to Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Designs, Geographical Indications, TKDL, Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR), Plant Variety Rights (PVR) and Trade Secrets. The Course also acquires a significant International Law dimension with the adoption of important international treaties such as TRIPS, GATT, Madrid Protocol, PCT etc.
This Online Course has been introduced with the objective to provide a platform for candidates to gain practical knowledge about Intellectual Property Rights and its importance for innovation and growth of businesses and the economy as a whole.
Course Methodology
Stage 1: Study Material will be provided to Students. During the course at a later stage on an appropriate date, assignment is given for partial assessment of the course.
Stage 2: Webinars/Online Lectures
Webinars and online lectures will be delivered by senior industry experts and academicians from India's premier institutes.
Stage 3: Online Examination and Issue of Certificate.
• Students from law, science, and other disciplines
• IP Professionals, Lawyers, & Patent Agents
• Professionals from different sectors such as Mechanical, Electrical/Electronics, Computer,
Chemical or related, etc.
• Research and Development and other scientific domains, enforcement personnel, etc
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Contact Address
FICCI Federation House, Tansen Marg New Delhi 110001
Tel: 011-23487477 (Monday - Friday 10 AM - 6 PM)